Thursday, September 16, 2010

Costa Rica

I have travelled fairy extensively in America, but before our honeymoon, I had never been out of the country (with the exception of walking into Canada very briefly on a trip to Niagara Falls).  I love to see new places, so I was particularly excited to finally make my first international voyage.  Britt has travelled pretty much all over the world, but this was my first "big trip," I guess you could say.

We boarded our plane from Atlanta on Sunday, June 6 and flew to Libera, Costa Rica, which is on the Gulf of Papagayo.  Our aptly named resort was the Grand Papagayo, and it was absolutely beautiful.

We made it out to the beach every day and enjoyed the very convenient shade trees, which prevented any chance of inconvenient sunburns.

On Tuesday, we partook of a Costa Rican classic:  the zipline.  I was so afraid I'd wind up in traction like Toby from The Office!  But it was actually very safe and very fun.

After travelling by taxi to the Borinquen mountain resort, the guides strapped us up with our zip equipment, and we took horses through the forest to the base of a volcano, which is where the ten-zipline course began.

Britt is an experienced rider and therefore looked much more at ease on his horse, which is the reason he is featured ascending the mountain instead of me.

Once we reached the course, one guide preceded us, and the other helped us connect to the line and zip across the canopy to the next platform.

Again, Britt is featured for the aforementioned reasons.

Back at the resort during the week, I managed to snap various photos of things that catch my interest. 

Costa Rica was full of beautiful flowers...

and some strange animals...

Of course, we got to eat lots of authentic Costa Rican food (which equals a lot of rice!) as well as their versions of our favorites.  Which were....interesting.  Don't try the cheesecake.

And of course, the natural beauty was astounding. It was my favorite part.

You were beautiful, Costa Rica.  Perhaps one day I shall see you again.


  1. love this post kelly! ben & i are thinking about going on vacation to costa rica for our anniversary & this makes me want to go even more. i LOVE zip-lining!

  2. Hey Kelly, looks beautiful! This area is close to where I spent a lot of time when I was living down there...miss it so much! Ok, glad I found your actual blog...I think you followed mine using your old one too, so that's why I couldn't find you. Take it easy!

  3. Kelly this was a wonderful post...Costa Rica looks like it has lots to offer the tourist. I'm not so sure I could do the zipline thing..I'm afraid of heights but I think if I didn't do it I would regret it. Good for you! I hope you do get to go back one day. Maura :)


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