Friday, September 3, 2010

So Outta Here

Today when I breeze past the front desk, head to the parking deck, and crank up my car, I will not be re-entering the casino.

It is with great delight that today, I formally announce the end of my own imprisonment and officially declare an end to my 12-day casino captivity.

Yesterday we finally found a house we both agreed on, a house that had been totally elusive and potentially non-existant.  I was losing hope.  I had even begun to negotiate a long-term reservation at the casino (ok not really). 

There are so many things I can't wait to do, like see this little guy:

and this little princess:

...even though heaven knows when we will finally be able to fetch them from their current babysitter and spirit them away to their new home in Mississippi.  I hope it's sooner rather than later!

So today, the test called "Live in a Casino for Nearly Two Weeks" comes to an end and so begins a new trial called "Move Everything You Own to Another State in Three Days."

Anyone have any good moving advice?  I need all the help I can get....


  1. oh this is awesome news!!!! SO SO SO glad to hear yall found a place ! :)

  2. I know this was several days ago.... so, do you miss your casino home yet?? hehehe :)


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