Thursday, November 4, 2010

An Early Christmas Project--Jar Lid Ornaments

Today "Till Death Do Us Part" was one of the featured blogs on Cozy Little House's "Welcome Wagon," for which I am very grateful!  Another blog on the Wagon is Vicki's Rusty Rooster Vintage.  In the latest post, Vicki made Christmas ornaments out of old mason jar lids, and they are beautiful!  I thought I had some new ones lying around (I love to can!), but it turned out that all I had were wide-mouth lids with no rings.  So, I didn't get to follow Vicki's "recipe" as closely as I would have liked, but her project definitely inspired the ornaments I came up with this afternoon.  I LOVE fall, so I'm not usually one to start thinking about Christmas until after Thanksgiving, but since I plan on making all of the ornaments for our first Christmas tree, I need to get an early start!

First, I took a hammer and nail and punched a hole in the jar lid.

I cut heavy-duty "tissue" paper from Hobby Lobby into a circle and glued it onto the lid.

I love buttons, so I used them as the ornaments on the ornaments, so to speak.

For hanging, I added ribbon through the hole in the lid, and I'm done!

I made these a little hodgepodge-ish because I like when things don't match exactly but coordinate for an interesting look.  Another fun project you can modify to your own style and complete on a tight budget!

(P.S., I'm linking this up to a very COLORFUL site, Paisley Passions.)


  1. Kelly these are really cute! I don't like it when things match either. So nice to meet you today and appreciate the mention here! I'm a new follower.

  2. p.s. - You should find some Friday linky parties and enter this link :)

  3. Cute blog and of course, love the cats. I'm your new follower and will be dropping in again. Deb =^..^=x5

  4. Hi Kelly! Thank you so much for joining the party this week! I, too, love Vicki and covet her talent and creativity! I'm the one who buys the things all you crafty people make! :-) This looks like such a fun ornament to make and I was thinking about how even my kiddos could do it with me. Thanks so much for linking it up!
    P.S. I'm a new follower!

  5. Hey there- Love your ornaments!! I love Vicki's blog- she always has such fantastic ideas!! Your ornaments came out just darling- I really like the little buttons!! :) Thanks so much for sharing this at Feathered Nest Friday! :)

  6. Well, these turned out cute! I always like when things coordinate but aren't matchy matchy too. Love your little kittys over there on the sidebar :)

  7. Very cute. I'm a little late from the Welcome Wagon post, but wanted to stop by and say Hi!


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