Sunday, November 14, 2010

I Love Dishes

I've loved dishes ever since my mama took me to an antique store when I was about twelve years old and let me pick out an old teacup and saucer (oh how I wish I still had it!).  I was probably the only girl my age who sat that on her dresser along with an old milk glass bowl that I would fill with rose petals from the yard.

My love of dishes has only grown greater, so I thought I would "show off" a few!

While my husband and I were at an antique store recently, we ran upon these beautiful Spode "Blue Room" dishes for only $6 each, so I had to have them!

They look fantastic in my blue/green/orange kitchen.

One thing that makes Spode so beautiful is the detailing! I love it.

I am in love with one of the dish sets we got when we got married (almost six WHOLE months ago!).  It's my first set of "real" dishes, and I must confess, it's quite thrilling.

Spode Woodland...

I love the very Southern scenes depicted on the plates.

They are definitely a good compromise for us...the outdoorsy vibe for him, the beautiful, antique-like edging for me.

The details.  It's definitely the details that make me fall head over heels.

There are surely more dish "showcases" to come!

(P.S. I'm linking this post to Sally's Blue Monday!)


  1. Hi Kelly, thank you for your comment on my blog and for following, I'm your newest follower too. I also happen to adore china, and am a collector. I've got several Spode plates and lots and lots of red transferware along with, brown/multis mixed in, they tend to go with everything. I love your set you got when married, it's so incredible. Like you said a perfect compromise. And Congratulations on your marriage by the way. Still in Newlywed Bliss, hugs tami

  2. Your Spode is just gorgeous! I love blue and white, so those are my very favorites! What lucky finds:) And I really love the plate with the spaniel, too!

  3. Hello Kelly!
    thanks for stopping by and leaving a message on my's nice to 'meet' you. I LOVE your blue and white Spode dishes and what a great deal for Spode. I also love your Woodland dishes too...this is a perfect time of year to be displaying them! You have a very nice blog and I'm going to go and look around some more. Have a wonderful Sunday! Maura :)

  4. Those brown transferware dishes are great! Love the outdoor/hunting theme to them. You'll have those dishes forever.

  5. Hi Again Kelly,
    Thanks so much for your nice comments on my garland. Actually, it's not hard to make at all! The hardest part for me was getting started, because I was so afraid I would make a mistake! I think it's one of those projects where there really is no right or wrong way to do it! So give it a try!:)

  6. Hi Kelly...

    I just thought I would do a little visiting while I was over visiting from the Sunday Favorites party! My friend, I have loved dishes ever since I was a young girl as well! I purchased my first set of dishes with green stamps at the age of 11. I still have those dishes and use them often! Hehe! I love the blue Spode...they really are gorgeous and I think you got a great deal on them! Ohhh...but I must confess that it was your Spode Woodland dishes that made my heart pitter-patter! This is one of my favorite patterns! I love the mix of the woodsy birds and animals with the gorgeous ornate patterns!!! Sooo pretty! I may have to work on getting a set of these! Hehe! Thanks for sharing them with us today...such a treat!!!

    Warmest autumn wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  7. Great post on this china, I love it. My sister in law to be is designing her whole wedding around the blue and white toile china, and really wanted the lavender and white but couldn't find enough of the china for the reception. Also, I found something I love at Anthropologie that reminds me of this post! Here is the link, you may love it like I did!

    I think this is such a neat idea, and I love it! Enjoy! And thank you for visiting my blog : )

  8. What a bargain you got!

    Happy 1st Blue Monday, Kelly.

  9. Howdy Kelly
    Happy Blue Monday to you :)
    Now as for my first reaction to your gorgeous blog Awwwwwwwwww, sigh ,oops I think a little drool just fell sorry about that !
    Seriously your dihes are awesome .
    Thank you so much for sharing .
    Until next time
    happy Trails

  10. I love Spode Woodland! Especially the pheasant pattern. I really wanted them for Thanksgiving but, they are a little pricey. Yours are beautiful!

  11. o those dishes are beautiful Kelly!
    Ben would LOVE those woodland dishes..... i love them too, but you are a much more accommodating wife than i am :)


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