Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Kitchen Table Makeover

I have known for awhile that my kitchen table was blah at best.  In the past two months we've been here, I just hadn't gotten around to giving it the attention it needed.

This is what I get to enjoy now thanks to a little crafting....

The colors are so pure and bright.  They do the work all by themselves!

Here is the before....

Totally uninspired.

I'm still discovering what our little Mississippi town has to offer, and I discovered a tucked away Hancock Fabrics!  They had this wonderful cloth marked half off!


I knew that I could use it to somehow help my sad table, but I am without my sewing machine! It's one of a handful of items still to be moved from Georgia.  I will probably be able to get it over here when we go visit for Thanksgiving, but that's a whole week away!  I need my table to look pretty now.  So, I turned to Stitch Witchery. 

I knew the grass green fabric and the blue and white would look perfect in the kitchen, so I cut out the fabric for a simple table runner.

Where I would have stitched, I stitch-witched.   It actually was more difficult and time-consuming that sewing it would have been, or at least it was for me!

It still resulted in a nice, pretty seam, though.

I also knew that I needed something else for a centerpiece besides a single pumpkin plopped in the middle of the table. So, I do what I often do when I'm in the mood for a change....I go searching around my house for things to switch around.

I had these bottles in a windowsill, and I pulled out a beautiful cake stand we got as a wedding gift....

...and voila!


It may look a little funny to have a runner on a round table, but I love how it turned out!

Amos, of course, supervised.

Simple. Elegant.  Much better than the "before," right?

(P.S., I linked this up to Table Top Tuesday!)


  1. I love to mix and match fabrics and colors and this is perfect. Such a fabulous table runner. Love your centerpiece too. Thanks so much for linking to TTT. Hugs, marty

  2. I like the solid and pattern mix and the green and blue color mix. But I especially like the two different textures. I think that really MAKES IT1

  3. It is so cute. I love the colors and the bottles with the cake stand is a beautiful centerpiece ~Alana~

  4. I love your runner, the blue and white fabric is gorgeous! Looks like your kitty approves!

  5. Adds a real bright spot in the room~ great fabric!

  6. I don't think it's funny to have a table runner on a round table at all. I have a round table as well and use a runner all the time. The trick is not to get one too wide, sometimes it doesn't lay just right on the overhang if it is.
    I've found when that happens, I can sometimes scrunch the sides of the overhang and add a ribbon or something. You made me very happy by stopping by and becoming a follower. I hope you visit often.

  7. Your runner and table look so great! The photo with your cat inspecting the table brought a smile to my face! :)


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