Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Little Bathroom Cabinet Makeover

We have tons of cabinet storage in our guest bathroom, but no drawers! I've had my eyes peeled for something for the past few weeks, and I finally ran up on this little "chest of drawers" at a thrift store for $2.50:

Of course, the drab blue had to go!  It took three coats of "snowflake white" to cover it.

Much better!  But, it was still missing something, so I dug out my dwindling stash of tan toile.  I hot glued some of it into the drawer fronts, using tweezers to stretch it down so it looked nice and tight.

Love the result, and it looks fantastic on the bathroom countertop!

I love the whites and tans.  So light, so clean.  Thank you, Salvation Army!

(I linked this post to Faded Charm's "White Wednesday."  Beautiful blog!  I also linked to a very unique linky party, The Barn Chick Party.)


  1. This looks so cute! I love toile too! In fact, I did a blog post today about it:)

  2. I love this. I would have boughten it for sure. The after is sooooooo much better. I am crazy for toile also.

    come visit

  3. I love toile too....I think because it reminds me of transferware! Your cabinet is functional and beautiful! Thank you for your kind comments and for following me, Kelly. I will do the same.

  4. Always need more storage in a bathroom-great little piece!

  5. Great makeover, it looks gorgeous:))
    Greetings from Biljana

  6. Love this - GREAT makeover and very creative!

  7. now that's a transformation, well done-
    thanks for linking on my Barn Chick Party-
    love to have you as a follower,

  8. Very cute makeover! What will it store?


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