Monday, December 6, 2010

Rustic Mini Christmas Tree

Don't you like to sit around and think up stuff you can make with things you already have on-hand?

I do.

I grabbed a file folder, fashioned it into a cone, and snipped off the bottom to make sit evenly.

Took a little twig bundle (they originally came from Target, but I bought a ton of them for a few bucks at a closeout store called Dirt Cheap).

Slapped a little brown paint on the cone and glued, glued, glued!

And popped atop a candlestick.



  1. Fun project, Kelly...turned out so cute! Very creative!

  2. i just bought supplies to make my own christmas tree! i love this one!

  3. Now that is what I call creative! I love how you used what you already had (my most favorite projects!). And putting it on a candlestick made it even prettier! Think of how beautiful an entire "forest" of these trees would be:)

  4. I love these! So simple and pretty!


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