Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Bold and the Beautiful

I am so excited to be part of a very unique blog hop. Gail @My Repurposed Life and MeganDVD @ Beauty in the Attempt are hosting “The Bold and the Beautiful-your blog reviewed”.

Please take a look around my blog, check out the layout, pages, buttons, sidebar and gadgets. I would love for you to gently critique my blog. I’m hoping you will leave me some positive feedback about my blog. It would be great if you could give me constructive criticism but be sure to tell me what you like about my blog too! Do you like my pictures? Does my blog load quickly for you? How about the font?  All tips and tidbits welcome!

You are welcome to join the party, it starts Thursday night and is open for a week.

I am looking foward to reading your comments!


  1. I love your blog and your pictures are GREAT! Is your email somewhere and I missed it? I find that it is often hard to contact my blogging friends...possibly add email to your About Me page :)

  2. I love your "I love" section!! :) ...and I love zinnias and dishes and of course hubby too :)

    really love the way yuor sidebar is organized ...makes me want to visit all the different sections...

    I would love to see them closer to the top maybe? I have to scroll down quite a lot to get to all those great buttons :)

  3. Hi, Kelly
    Thanks for stoppin' by my blog. I'll definitely have to think of a way to do the name of my blog at the top.
    I love your layout and how everything is easy to find. I especially love to see the links within that way I can catch other things that i havent read in your blog.

  4. And that it was so easy to comment. Not having to do the word verification almost always guarantees that i'll be back.

  5. hi Kelly!
    very sweet blog! and congrats on your marriage! here's to many happy years!! :)
    many blessings,

  6. Very nice blog you have! I love the wedding pictures!
    I was trying to click the pictures on your sidebar. ;)
    I really don't see anything to change. You should check out the post I put up today.
    thanks for joining in, I hope it's been an enjoyable experience for you.

  7. Hello my dear! I am thrilled that you joined our little blog hop! I am in love with your little blog. I really like the background and the composition of colors for your blog. My gentle suggestion is to add another link in your navi bar that points to all the lovely parties you go to...that way when you link to a can link to that page. ..and it will free some space on your sidebar. Also...I think it would be great if you raised your followers up higher on the sidebar. Usually if the followers are in the top right corner people are more likely to follow you as they 1st log into your page. Time is of the essence in blogging and this element when placed higher up...gets more people to follow. You also might want to center your favorites. :)Once again these are just gentle thoughts. I know that taking a risk and putting yourself out there is very scary, but you should feel so proud and empowered. I hope that you are not a no-reply when dealing with comments. I always love being able to respond to my bloggers. Also...if you need anything, Gail and I would love to help. Just let us know what we can do. :)

    Have a great finish to the weekend, and I hope this is the beginning of seeing more of you in little blog world. :)


  8. I love your blog, all the pictures are great. I tried to click on the picture of the adorable teacup topiary and there was no link but other than that, great job!

  9. I think your blog design is amazing. easy readable texts and great colors. I don't see any clashing colors around.

    I have a few suggestion to make it even better -
    1 - Your "Search this Blog" section will be more useful if it's way up top of the sidebar.
    2 - If you can find a way to make your "Labels" and "Archives" into a drop-down menu rather than a list, it will go better right below "Seach this site" Section.
    3 - Do you know that the list of blogs at the bottom of the sidebar takes half of your page length? I think that is too long.
    4 - You have a few broken links in your Favorite Projects, means clicking on them does not get you anywhere.
    6 - There is significant empty space after the text 'I Would Love for You to Visit!' in the sidebar.
    I think my suggestions are easy fixes.


I love to hear your thoughts!