Saturday, January 8, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

As a child and well up into my college years, I was a faithful writer (and sometimes keeper) of New Year's resolutions.  I've let go of that tradition these past few years, and while I realize that unrealistic expectations are not healthy, I love the idea of fresh starts and new perspectives and renewed strength.  And in many ways, 2011, being my first full year as a wife and the keeper of a home, it makes all the more sense to begin this near year with some clear goals.

1. Put my faith first.

It is by God's grace alone that I live and breathe.  He deserves all the honor and praise I can give Him.

2. Prize my marriage.

We have been married seven months.  I have moments every day when I realize what a novice I am at this.  But I firmly believe that these are the days that will set the precedence for our marriage, and I am determined to treat every moment, good or bad, as a privilege.

Not all my resolutions are quite as "lofty"....

3. Finish this afghan.

It's so lovely and the perfect color for spring.  I started it right after we married when we were temporarily in Des Moines, and it's over halfway finished. I put it aside in all the moving chaos that ensued, but it needs to be finished within a few months, at least!

4. Grow a vegetable garden and get serious about canning/preserving.

I've always had a flower garden, but I've never tried my hand at vegetables (which is a shame, because my family farms!).  This year, however, I (fingers crossed) will be building raised beds to combat the poor quality soil in southern Mississippi and growing our own vegetables.  I want to be committed to thriftiness and health.

5. Craft!

I've loved to make things my whole life, and it's a joy to be able to fill my home with handmade things.  I never want to let that hobby fall by the wayside.  It's fun, relaxing, and usually economically a smart idea.

6. Be committed to my Etsy shop.

This is my first "business" endeavor, and I am realizing that maintaining it takes daily work. I don't want to let it fall by the wayside.

7.  Last but not least, above all....

May none of us ever forget it!

Happy New Year!


  1. These are some awesome resolutions, Kelly! I especially love how you say that you want to treat your marriage as a privilege. I've been married 10 years (sometimes I still can't believe it!), and try to act that way each day as well. Sometimes it's not always easy! And best of luck with your Etsy shop. I started mine last spring, and it has been one of the best decisions that I have ever made! So here's to a terrific New Year!!

  2. Happy New Year! This is one of my resolutions too: Grow a vegetable garden and get serious about canning/preserving.
    I don't even know where to start! I'm making a list soon of books to start reading about making a vegatable garden but I still have no idea where I'll plant...
    hope you'll share your journey in canning!

  3. Kelly,
    This looks like a wonderful list to start the New Year! Good for you! Such an exciting time for you as your first year as a wife. I am very impressed!
    Happy Sunday!

  4. Great list!!! The best advice I ever got and still rely on "Marriage is hard work, work hard at it." As told to me by my dad, he's right....Gonna have to visit the Etsy, congrats!

  5. I love your resolutions/goals. And in perfect order!

  6. This is a wonderful list, seem very well focused!


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