Saturday, January 1, 2011

Year-End Review

This has been a "big" year for me in many ways.  I got married, moved (twice), started this blog, and opened my Etsy shop, Cotton Breeze.  I can honestly say I didn't really expect to be doing ANY of those things in 2010! But they've all been blessings.

Blogging and crafting have been such wonderful outlets for me and have brought me such great joy.  I'd like to begin this new year reflecting on some of my prouder achievements even as I look to the future and think of all the wonderful crafting and blogging that is to be done. 

And of course, I'm so glad to have met all of my fellow blogger/creators!

2010 Highlights

Happy New Year!


  1. Wow, you have been busy! What a great wedding photo:) I really love your tray, and the coasters too. Congrats on opening your Etsy shop! I just checked it out, and it looks great! Happy New Year!!

  2. I love your store. You are so creative!

  3. what an exciting year it has been! can't wait to see what you create in 2011!

  4. Happy New Year to you, too! Here's to a creative and blessed 2011. :-)

  5. You have definitely been busy! What an eventful year. Wishing you continued happiness in 2011!


I love to hear your thoughts!