Monday, March 7, 2011

Pay It Forward--A Spring Surprise!

Doesn't Spring make you want to get out and do a little good?

I recently made a new blogging friend, Suzie, who blogs over at Living Between the Words.  She is participating in a fantastic little blog project...Pay It Forward 2011!

You can get involved too!
The first five people who comment on this blog post will receive a handmade gift from Till Death Do Us Part.

In return, you must first write a blog post explaining Pay It Forward 2011 and send out five handmade gifts to your commenters.  It's a great way to make new friends and share handmade love....we all love handmade, don't we?!

"It's not the size of the item that matters, but the spirit 
of paying it forward."

Let's Pay It Forward!


  1. this is a wonderful idea and i would be honored to be part of it all. I can see this being an "annul event". what a beautiful way to spread friendship, inspiration and love.

  2. I would love to participate in such a fun event! Count me in and please stop by my blog and join me in my pay it forward!


  3. Going to write a post now! Love this type of stuff! It makes me all giddy..happy..smiley!!
    By the way..... your blog is stunning!
    Cat @ Tattered Rebel

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I just subscribed to your blog.... Pay it Forward is such a wonderful idea.... plus, one of my all time favorite movies.

    I can't wait until I have a few more hours to enjoy your blog... beautiful!

    My blog is at:

  6. I too have posted a pay it forward 2011 post and I need takers. I have made some folky turtle boxes. I don't have many followers yet but I'm trying.


I love to hear your thoughts!