Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sweet Surprises

The past few days have brought some sweet surprises in the mail!

The first is a tiny paper penant from Sarita at Mississippi Mud.  I was a runner-up in one of her giveaways (how sweet is it to do runners up!)!  The pennant so pretty and sweet.

She even sent tiny paper clips to hang it.

The other is from Suzie at Living Between the Words.  We participated in Pay It Forward 2011, which involves sending handmde gifts to fellow bloggers.  This is what Suzie sent!

This to me is more than a little handmade something-something!  I was thrilled that she was so generous to send these to me.  You can visit her etsy shop here.  All of the proceeds she and her husband make are donated to Hearts with Hope for Haiti, which is a ministry that helps provide drinking water, schooling, and housing to the people of Haiti. 

Thanks to both of you ladies for sharing your talents!


  1. I'm so glad you liked the earrings!


  2. I love it! Thanks for posting a photo! I will link up to this post when I finally blog all the photos I've collected so far :-)


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