Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Giveaway Update...and a Feature...and a Prize!

I recently announced a Spring Giveaway, which I posted about here

Because of a death in the family, I have spent the last two weeks in Georgia. I just returned home yesterday, so needless to say, things are a little hectic right now.  Therefore, I am extending the deadline of the giveaway from today until Monday, April 11.   So go on over and enter!

I am so honored to have my picture clip signs featured this week at Ladybug Blessing's Handmade Tuesdays.  What a fantastic blog and fantastic link party! Click on the button below to visit the blog and feature post.

And last but not least, I was recently the winner of a giveaway from Amy at Juicy Little Things, and my prize came in the mail yesterday.  I was given my choice of pretty cloth flowers, and here is what I chose!

Creamy cloth flowers.  So lovely!

How's that for a mish-mash of a post?


  1. So sorry to hear of the death in the family...XO
    Congrats on the well deserved feature!

  2. Sorry for your family's loss Kelly. Take care and congratulations on your feature!

  3. Sorry to hear about the death in your family, Kelly. I'm sure receiving those beautiful cloth roses made you smile. Congrats on your feature!
    - Susan

  4. It started out sad and ended with a sweet flower - perfect post :)


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