Sunday, April 3, 2011

Raised Bed Garden--Progress

The vegetables in our little Mississippi beds are growing....

The white fencing was not present until our new assistant entered the picture.

The lettuce beds are filling up...

The strawberries are turning red...

The butter beans are standing tall...

The broccoli is filling out....

I love to watch things grow!


  1. Your garden is looking won't be long!!!

  2. awesome!!!! everything is doing great!!!

  3. That honestly is the cutest garden I've ever seen! I love the white fencing.

  4. I love watching things grow, too...hopefully it won't be too much longer here!

  5. One thing I do not like about our lot is that there is not a level area to have a garden or flower bed. How exciting to see your little plants springing-up! You are lucky to have such nice beds.

  6. I think your garden's white border is too cute! Looks wonderful - I wish my garden were so far along! Here in Missouri I've got green onions and garlic up - that's all. Most of mine will go in the ground around May 1....but the good news is my strawberries have blooms :)

  7. I love this! I tried a garden last year but i don't think it got enough sun and it didn't really work out... Maybe a different location this time! I have a linky party today I would love you to link up to! Come check it out!


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