Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Raised Bed Garden--Week Five

 So far, our raised beds have been a huge success!

Picking (and eating!) our very first strawberry was very, very rewarding!

Since things have been going well, I decided to "expand."  Meaning, I connected what was two seperate beds with a new bed.

I hope what I planted there (dahlias, zinnias, and more broccoli and lettuce) proves to be successful as well.

The lettuce is doing GREAT! I wish I'd known before now how easy it is to grow your own.  We have several beds of it, and they are currently FULL of lettuce, ready to eat!

The broccoli is growing by leaps and bounds.

And so are the green beans!

 The squash I planted has finally come up nice and sturdy.  It is planted in an old rubbermaid drawer we didn't need.  I just drilled some holes in the bottom and filled it with dirt!

Grow, garden, grow!

I'm linking to KISS!


  1. Your garden looks excellent! Everything looks to be taking off:) I'm trying to get my sugar snap peas going...we had 3.56" of rain yesterday. Ouch!

  2. Wow! You are quite the gardener! Nothing like fresh veggies. And you'll save on the grocery bill too!

  3. You've got the green thumb in high gear. Great job!!!

  4. o this is looking awesome kel!!! we bought some herbs & jalapenos this weekend & hope to plant them tomorrow. :)

  5. Love your raised beds! My hubby is going to try his hand at building those for the first time this year. We've gardened for quite a few years, but never in raised beds. I'm going to show him your pictures. :-)

  6. Your Garden is just so neat and charming. Please take pics of the progress. it will be fun to follow and see the changes. May your garden grow victoriously :)

  7. LOVE your gardens! I'll be over for a salad,hehe! I used to veggie garden when my boys were growing up BUT my home now has too much land and "Hungry Animals" to keep out SO I landscape. I always plan on MAYBE next year I'll have a tomato plant in one of my wine barrels BUT(Oh Well)...I am your newest follower too. Thank you SO MUCH for discovering me and becoming a follower.
    Hugs to you,

  8. Love this!
    I want a garden BAD!

  9. Your garden looks awesome! I love fresh strawberries, my mom has a huge strawberry garden in the summer. I have a new link party that starts today this would be perfect to link up. Here's the link: http://www.askannamoseley.com/2011/04/new-weekend-warrior-link-party.html



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