Monday, May 2, 2011

Joy in Order

I derive a lot of joy from order.  Organizing drawers.  Stacking books.  Making lists.  Matching socks.

That sort of thing.

One of the top, if not the top, room I like to organize is my kitchen.

To be such a small house, we have a pretty large kitchen.  I'm wanting (unbeknownst to my husband) a kitchen cart/island to help me get even more organized (I have a LOT of dishes and bakeware).  Since organization brings me joy, he wouldn't want to deny me joy, would he??

I've already started looking at butcher block kitchen carts.  And granite top kitchen carts.  And these work tables, which I personally think would look wonderful as a kitchen island.

I'm convinced all my "stuff" would look fantastically organized in one of these:

He doesn't need to know yet.

Are you a lover of order like I am?? 


  1. girl, organization is my middle name :)

  2. Order is always good and calming..but constant work! Im getting better at it I will inspire me!

  3. I am OBSESSED with organizing things!!!!

  4. Kelly, I am obsessed with order. I need to organize my entire house! It isn't that bad, but I need to really go through every room, and what we have not used in a while that is in good condition, we need to donate it to the tornado victims.

  5. Oh yeah! I love order. It makes me feel at peace.

  6. Your kitchen is perfect for an island. You definitely have the space. Looking forward to seeing what you chose. This is the time of year where I like to clear out and get organized. Just organized our kitchen desk, the other night. I can find things, now, LOL!

  7. I meant choose not chose. Need to go to bed early tonight :)

  8. Oh Kelly, I love order...but is seems as soon as I get things in order they are messed up again in no time! Can't wait to see the kitchen island you choose!!!

  9. Most definitely! Organization keeps me calm and happy!

  10. Your silverware looks so nice and neat in your drawer. Mine starts out that way, but by the end of the day stuff is all out of place!

  11. I really like your silverware holder. Mine is stainless but the wood looks great to showcase your silverware. Guess it shouldn't matter since no one hardly sees it, but like you, I love the neat look in a kitchen. I get great joy out of everything having a place. My family has finally learned to accommodate me on that. Sure makes life easier. Looks like you have the perfect place for the island cart. I'm sure your hubby won't mind. ;)

  12. Hey Kelly! I TOLD you you'd never guess what color I put in my laundry room! lol :) BUT it's looking so cute!! hee hee
    I'm an organizatinal NUT (well except for the garage, but that's another story) so I totally understand the joy you get from being organized. I have a lot of areas that need to be gone over though...with three kids my organization gets messed up a lot! :-/ You KNOW I love an island, seeing as how I had to make one to get one! lol
    Have a great day!

  13. Hey Kelly! Yes Darling you need a kitchen island. You know you could even go so far as to find you a dresser add some bun feet for height and put you some beadboard on the back, or you could just go crazy with it and have a huge island. lol I know you will get you one soon and I cant wait to see it:)

  14. I love your kitchen. We are going to be remodeling our kitchen in the next few months..right now we are doing our master bathroom

    Hope you can follow back..

  15. Wow--you are really organized I had flatware envy when I saw that drawer!

    New Follower


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