Monday, September 5, 2011

What a Difference a Year Makes

It was Labor Day weekend one year ago that my husband of three months and I moved into our current home in Mississippi.  It was a crazy fast move, and it's amazing to reflect on what's happened since that time and see how far we've come, in our home, in our lives, in our marriage.

Emptiness became plenty...

Discord became harmony....

And where there was barrenness, something grew!


What they say is true....


What a difference a year makes!


  1. Are those two of your sweet kitties? They're so cute! You are right - a year can really change things. Hopefully, for the better. ;-)

  2. You are so right-wonder what another year will bring all of us? Hope you made it through the tropical storm o.k. We floode here in Central Mississippi.

  3. Don't you feel a huge sense of accomplishment? {You should.} Here is to another year of successful projects!

  4. Congrats on your first home-a-versary. :)

  5. Hi! Just returning the follow!
    Your home is beautiful and so
    is your Kitty!:0)

  6. wow this past year has flown by! yay for a great year in your new place


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