I love fall gardening. I thought I wouldn't. In fact, I didn't know it existed until we moved to southern Mississippi two falls ago, and I mourned the terrible timing. There would be no vegetable garden till spring, I thought.
I was wrong!
This year's fall garden contains some old favorites and a few new additions. A must-have for any fall (or spring garden) is lettuce, so I've planted it in abundance.
I even allowed Amos to sneak into this photo. He's always such a huge gardening inspiration, cheering me onto the finish. (He actually cares nothing for lettuce, of course.)
This will be my fifth attempt at growing broccoli. I have only done it once successfully! It needs to be thinned to have lots of room, and it requires lots of patience. I had great results last fall, though. By January, I had lovely huge heads of broccoli!
Onto the new additions for this year's garden.
And fennel. I'm very excited to see if I can grow this, not only as a new gardening challenge, but because I've never cooked with it either and would love to start out with my own home-grown variety.
This year's last newcomer is spinach. It's doing well so far. It was one of my husband's requests.
Have you started a fall garden?